There were days when I thought my brain might not be up to the challenge, but I think the Plaquenil started making a difference. At least the over all achiness that had been plaguing me has seemed to lessen. Of course now I'm noticing how badly my head is aching. If it isn't one thing, it's another.
The reality is that no matter what, I'm a storyteller. Whether I'm telling the story of my Lupus journey or the stories I have stacked up in my head like a busy airport waiting to land on my computer hard drive. I'll alway find a way to get the story told no matter how I feel. It is integral to who I am.
Not expressing myself is tantamount to muzzling myself. Been there, got the t-shirt. No one should ever feel that they can not express how they are feeling.
Feeling free to fill ones soul with the essential creative exercises that fulfill us. For some that is organizing spaces, finances, lives (I tend to be a bit of a clutter-bug). For others the arts call to them. For others acts of service is a creative exercise that fills voids to over flowing. The simple act of being creative is a stress reliever.
As I live a creative life, I am a better person. I am fulfilled, happy. Whether my stories get read or not, the act alone is gratifying.