
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Lupus & Work

My new reality is really my old reality.  No much has changed in my grand scheme of things.  My day to day living experience is still up and down, good and bad, etc.

It's Life.

What has changed is my understanding of the 'why' of my physical condition.  There is a certain satisfaction knowing that I'm not losing my mind.  For a while there it was a close thing.  It's a relief to know there is a reason for all the aches and pains.  That, through patience, I'll be able to manage this.

How I deal with work, now that's a challenge.  Generally, I can make everything work.  But I have a small problem.  I'm a type A personality with a definite overachieving issue.  I want to get the job done.  I like to work.

My acknowledgement of Lupus is forcing me to re-evaluate how I do things at work.  How many responsibilities I take on and when I ask for help.  I'm not very good at asking for help.  The LFA website has a great article about making my workplace more manageable.  I'm slowing getting the changes I need implemented. Re-jiggering my workspace to be more ergonomic, working with facilities to help me out with the glare.

All this is something that I can ask for according to the ADA.  I'm not planning on stopping work anytime soon, so I have to find a way to make my work environment as friendly to my current situation as possible.

Yes, I have Lupus and I'm learning to ask for help.

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