
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Test Results are in...

Wow!  I didn't have to call the doctor's office.  They called me bright and early this morning with the results.  The indicators for Lupus are moderate to weak but there.  So I'm catching all this early. Which in my book is good.  But the pain indicators have risen substantially.  Go Pain!

So, we are on to the plan that Dr. S and I have discussed.  I get to try Plaquenil.  And see him in 6 weeks.  (of course being the popular man that Dr. S is, his first available appointment isn't until the week of Thanksgiving, but his office staff has put me on the cancellation list to move my appointment up.)  I also have to get an appointment with an ophthalmologist to get a baseline on my eyes. Plaquenil has several possible side effects (blurred vision, seeing light flashes/streaks/halos, missing/blacked-out areas of vision) and I want to make sure that I'm on top of this.  I like to see.

Honestly, I'm a bit numb about all of this.  This is a game changer in my life.  This resorts my priorities. 

My personal priorities haven't been bad or wrong, I just have to focus my lens.  Sharpen the vision.  Give myself the clarity.  

As I travel this Wheel called life, the one thing I know is that I'm not alone.  What ever is handed me I can take as long as I have my faith, family, and friends.

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