
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

One Person's Clutter is Another's Organization

According to some, I am a clutterbug.

I refer to myself as a vertical filer.  I have vertical files where I need them, exactly where I need them.  God help the soul who decides to 'help me'.

Organization is a very subjective thing.  I tried Franklin Covey and found myself boggled by the complexity.  It took me longer to do their process than it did to actually accomplish the task.

This brings me back to my need to be left alone.  I found myself cleaning this weekend.  My inner piler was deeply offended by the process.  Don't get me wrong.  The end game was good.  But I'm still looking for things that I put in safe places.

It will take me a while for me to recover from my cleaning fit.

With my Lupus, I'm finding that a certain tweaking to my organizational skills helps me keep my stress levels down.  But I still have a lot to do to reconcile the two.

I'm going to go make a pile. I'll feel better.

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