
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Optimum Speed for Our Circumstances

Saturday was a general conference for my religion.  Where leaders address members globally with words of wisdom and edification.  This is a two day televised event.  Open to the public.

I only mention it, because of something that Dieter Uctdorf said.  'We would do well to proceed at the optimum speed of our circumstances.'  That simple phrase struck me profoundly.  I know that I often push myself beyond what is prudent.  Sacrificing my health and sanity in the process.

The irony is, if I were to slow down, moving within the means of my energy and my circumstances I could accomplish so much more.  I know that sounds like an oxymoron.  But it's not.  It is a signal of self acceptance and love.  Acknowledging myself.

I'm still figuring out and accepting my limits.  There are more than I'd like.  That being said, I know that I can still dream and live a full life all while dealing with my now.

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