
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A Dimmed Vim

I'm starting to resent the restriction of my super powers.  Seriously. I use to be able to leap buildings in a single bound, flying around at the speed of sound AND deflecting bullets with a single glare.

Now, I'm lucky if I can get through the front door at work.  Okay.  I can  get to work and get through the day, but my vim is seriously dimmed and my vigor is that of a flat basketball.  I'm used to going full steam ahead.  I'm still trying.  But about mid afternoon I have some serious brain haze.  It's a good thing that I tend to write everything down at work or I'd never get anything done.

Supposedly the plaquenil will make a difference when it kicks in.  But that will be months from now.

So I'm hanging on the ledge of the building I couldn't quite leap over by the tips of my fingers praying for a) the strength to pull myself up OR b) a kind stranger or friend to see my predicament and pull me to safety.

It's a terrible thing when a superhero loses her vim.

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