
Thursday, October 28, 2010

'Tis the season .... For the Plague!

Sneezing, coughing, sniffing can be heard across the floor at work.  In elevators, I waiting for that stranger to sneeze without covering their mouth, exposing everyone to their icky germs.  Seriously, what DID their parents teach them as a child.

I've never been a particular germaphobe, but I do know that I have been more susceptible over the last several years to the bug du jour.

As a kid, even a young adult I had a really strong immune system.  I could pretty much survive anything. I only recall getting the real flu once in college. Trust me projectile vomiting in the middle of the sidewalk because I wasn't going to let no stinkin' bug keep me from my mid-terms was a memorable moment in my life.

Now when someone sneezes in my direction, I throw hand sanitizer at them, followed by tissues and a threat of violence if they come any closer (I feel that any jury would find in my favor if it got that far). I'm considering wearing a mask for the next 6 months out in public.  People would avoid me then! :)

That brings me to today.  The annual Flu Shot extravaganza.  I didn't use to get them.  Frankly, the years I got them I seemed to get the flu more often.  Now?  I get them every year.  I usually have a little reaction to them but the end result outweighs the initial inconvenience.

The Lupus Foundation of America recommends the Flu vaccination as well as the Pneumonia vaccination due to the suppressed immune system issues of the Lupus patient.  The key is that the vaccination can not have 'live virus'.  The nasal spray vaccination has this.  So a shot is necessary.

So many people come to work sick.  I'm much more aware of the impact of one cough, sneeze or runny nose.  I can't be responsible for bringing the plague to work. Frankly, I expect the same responsible behavior from the people I work with.

1 comment:

Messy Musings said...

Masks are okay and might be a wise precaution (they are a very common thing in Japan during the cold & flu season). But no turning yourself into a bubble-girl !!