
Monday, February 28, 2011

February - See Ya!

This month as passed way to fast.

I apologized for the lack of posting this month.  Februaries are never a good month for me at the best of times.  Between the evil pseudo holiday of Valentine's day and the anniversary of my father's passing, I had a lot to ponder this month.

Oh, and one of the many bugs out in the world, got me.

I spent the last weekend of February sleeping off a nasty virus.  Frankly I could still take a couple of power naps. Alas, I must earn a paycheck.

I have learned several valuable lessons this month.

  1. Don't run faster than I have the strength too.  I have a bad habit of going to fast, doing to much and not listening to my inner warning alarms that tell me I need a break.  This month as certainly been a reminder.
  2. My experience, while unique, is not something I have to go through alone. Having a good support system in place is invaluable to keeping sanity.
  3. A day without laughter is a sad day indeed.  No matter how bad things seem, humor and hope go hand in hand in dealing with any experience.
  4. Adventures in new food can be interesting. If my mother offers me chicken one more time, conveniently forgetting my vegetable-base lifestyle, I may not be responsible for my actions! :)  I'm becoming acquainted with the varied uses of tofu.  Who knew I'd like it.
I've got a lot of good things happening.  I just have to remember to breathe through the entire process.

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