
Sunday, December 5, 2010

And There's Progress

Tonight I had an interesting conversation with a family member who has been very resistant to my Lupus condition.  Denial would be an accurate description.  I've not made a huge issue with her, mainly because I've recognized that I can't change a person's mind. I can only make changes in my life, my perception, my reactions.

In the course of this particular conversation, not only did this family member acknowledge my Lupus, but the limitations that came along with it.

Inside my head, I was doing cartwheels and shouting 'HUZZAH!'. To the exterior observer, I was calm and collected not letting on to my inner joy.

This is a huge turning point, in our relationship. We talked openly about how Lupus was affecting me.  How the medication I was currently on was helping me, but not necessarily taking care of everything.  This was the first real, productive conversation we'd had about Lupus since September.

Will there be set backs?  Oh, guaranteed.  That is the nature of relationships.

Does this give me hope? ABSOLUTELY.

Patience is the name of the game when dealing with a circumstance that affects your entire spectrum of life.