
Friday, November 19, 2010

Insanity at its Best!

I've been away for a little bit. I've been engaged in the madness of National Novel Writing Month.  This is where crazy writers engage in a form of self-inflicted torment to produce 50,000 words in 30 days.  It roughly amounts to producing a first draft of a novel.  All the while going about your normal day to day activities.

Yes, this is insanity at its BEST!

I share this with you because, I've done this for the past seven years.  Five of which I've reach the goal.  Last year, I completed my first novel and am shopping around for an agent for publication.

Writing is a passion, a life affirming act in my life that makes any trial, tribulation, or task ultimately worthwhile.

Knowing that I have Lupus explains that days where I'm writing and I have what I used to call my 'brain farts'.  I would have the word on the tip of my brain. I could see it, taste it, feel it, but I couldn't for the life of me formulate the actual word to put it on the screen of my computer or on paper.

As a writer, can I tell you how frustrating it is to lose words?

Now I know it to be cognitive haze. A solution I found would be to bracket the section, describe the word, then keep on writing.  Often the word would pop into my mind around 2 a.m. (yeah!).

Rest is key to my writing.  I have to make sure that I get enough solid rest for my brain to give me its best.

Why am I telling you all this?  Because Lupus is simply inconvenient. It is something that I work through to get the rest of my life done. Do I ever get annoyed with it? Of course!  I don't want to be tired, brain dead or hurting. That being said, I will live my life with an eye to the future I want to have.

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