
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Headache, Headache Go AWAY!

When I first got diagnosed, I went on a research binge.  You know, make a list of all my aches and pains and see if I could sync them up with a corresponding Lupus symptom.  It almost became an obsession.  My mother, bless her heart, just looked up symptoms to warn me of my impending doom.  So, I had to put my foot down and say only one person was allowed to obsesses about my illness - ME!

Back to my headaches. I'd been suffering from headaches that ranged from annoying to disabling most of my adult life.  Good days have always been a dull throb.  Bad days - lightening bolts ricocheting around my head and flying out my eyeballs.  Over time, I just learned to live with it.

Learning to live with the constant pain has upped my ability to tolerate pain, which had its benefits. But the reality is, I think it just delayed my diagnosis.  After all, if I can function it's not so bad.  (yes, you can smack me on the back of the head, J)

Imagine to my surprise, part of the Lupus universe of symptoms was the 'Lupus Headache'.  Yeah!  That meant, that on top of my body being sore and aggravated. The constant headaches were not really stress related.

So, that was the good news.  The bad news is that the research is fairly non-conclusive on cause or over all treatment.  A common theme is to work on reducing over all stress (just say 'NO'), work on eating healthy, increase your exercise as you are able.  

I'd like to emphasis exercising as you are able.  Yes, I know that increased exercise is overall beneficial, but when you've worked a full day, taken care of your basic maintenance items and then add exercise in the mix -  all I can say is be realistic.  Don't plan for a marathon, take a small step at a time.

I'm not planning on my headaches to miraculously to go away.  I've lived with them for so long, and done so many things despite their impact on me.  But I hope that one day, one day I'll be free of them.

1 comment:

Messy Musings said...

Lightening bolts flying out of your eye, eh? That could be a very useful power to have (but only if they are real - and not metaphorical). Just think of the possibilities!!

I've had migraines before - but no lightening. Yes, I am grateful for that small mercy - and my heart goes out to the lightening bearers.