
Thursday, September 9, 2010

In Comparison

Somebody is always going to have it better or worse than me. That is just the way it is.  I think that how one handles the travails of life is the indicator of the person you truly are.

That being said, I'm not above the occasional whinge or the (hopefully) more common huzzah!  But I've learned not to compare.  If I compare my aches and pains, my haves and have nots, I would find myself in an endless cycle that would suck me into a bottomless pit of despair.

So I choose to focus on the now.  If I hurt - okay.  I acknowledge and move on.  If I'm happy - I celebrate.

I had a friend ask me after I first received my diagnosis, 'what would happen if I did nothing?' I realized I was more than a little offended by the question.  I know that she really didn't mean the question to be offensive and she doesn't understand the disease or the situation. But in my mind, you never roll over and do 'nothing' if options are available.

I have plenty of options.  I'm not saying that my path will be easy or pain free, but 'in comparison' to those who choose to roll over and be dead before they truly die, my world is so much better and vibrant than theirs.

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