
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Roid Fatigue

The scary polka dots seem to be on the retreat.  The doctors put me on 6-day pack of prednisone. I should be off that in another 3 days.  Then back on the plaquenil.

The dots aren't multiplying, nor are they looking like I'm mutating in to an alien anymore.  I'm feeling relieved about that. However, the prednisone is making me tired.

Of course, to be fair, everything makes me tired now-a-days.  I long for the days when I could get by on little sleep and face the day with a sharp wit.  Instead, I'm feeling like I'm sleep walking have the time.  Of course if my mental faculties were at one hundred percent, my plans for world domination would be well underway.

Mmmm, have I been vanquished by a super hero?  Am I a super villain?

Stay tuned....

1 comment:

Messy Musings said...

There isn't a super hero out there who can vanquish you, Brain!!
