
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Open Enrollment Circus

The Open Enrollment Circus has started again at work.  I always pay attention, but this year I'm paying particular attention.  I now know why I'm feeling like crap.  I now have to predict the future and guess what my health costs are going to be.

On top of that, my company has narrowed down our options to an expensive PPO with an FSA or a 'Premier Choice' with HSA option that is half the cost.

I have no idea what my costs are going to be.  I have to prepare for the worst.  In the Premier Choice, I have to pay for everything up front until I meet the $1500 deductible, but everything (doctor visits, prescriptions, dentist, labs, x-rays, etc.) everything goes toward it.  I'm pretty sure I could rack that up in a heart beat.  But, then there is the cash flow problem.  While the company is giving me 'seed' money to get me started, I'm terrified that it's all going to go wrong in a short amount of time.

Or, I can stick with the plan that I currently plan and be nickeled and dimed to death with hidden costs.  I'm so frustrated.

Oh, and let's not forget the governments contribution to all this.  They've sold us out to the pharmaceutical companies.  Soon, I'm sure the insurance companies will be 'XYZ insurance sponsored by ABC pharmaceuticals'.  The government is supposed to be doing things for the good of the people, NOT for the good of their own pockets.

I just need a chair and a whip to fight my way through this morass.

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