
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Tis the Season...

So the Holiday season has descended with full force and gusto.  People are humming the incessant Holiday jingles that pervade every public outlet in the land.

I'll be honest, I like a quiet holiday season.  When I want the holiday music, I'll listen to it.  When I want to listen to it.  Please don't think me a Scrooge.  My holiday shopping is done. I have a few gifts to finishing sewing, then stuff in the mail.  We are getting the house decorated.  But, I'm low key.

One of the things I started last year, before I received my Lupus diagnosis, was to say 'no' to events that I didn't want to go to.  Yes, this is a very social season, but when you are dealing with exhaustion non-stop socializing is like having a broken alternator in your car.  The battery gets drained and never recharges.

With the changes I've implemented in my diet, exercise and medication, I'm feeling a lot better.  That being said, I know that I still can't overextend myself.  My alternator is still faulty and needs to be replaced.  I just need to be aware of my limitations.

This season is a reminder to be Grateful, Compassionate and Hopeful.  These are the attributes that will get me through the times when I'm not feeling the best.

As I face this holiday season, I promise to embrace the spirit of the season now and through out the coming year.  To give thanks for my blessings, share Goodwill with all and share of myself.

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